Religions, Values, and Peak-Experiences
By Abraham H. Maslow

Editorial Introduction by E. I. F. Williams
Preface by Abraham H. Maslow

I. Introduction p. 3-10
II. Dichotomized Science and Dichotomized Religion p. 11-18
III. The "Core-Religious," or "Transcendent," Experience p. 19-29
IV. Organizational Dangers to Transcendent Experiences p. 30-35
V. Hope, Skepticism, and Man's Higher nature p. 36-39
VI. Science and the Religious Liberals and Non-Theists p. 40-47
VII. Value-Free Education? p. 48-53
VIII. Conclusions p. 54-58

A. Religious Aspects of Peak Experiences p. 59-68
B. The Third Psychology p. 69-71
C. Ethnocentric Phrasings of Peak-Experiences p. 72-73
D. What is the Validity of Knowledge Gained in Peak-Experiences? p. 74-81
E. Preface to "New Knowledge in Human Values" p. 82-83
F. Rhapsodic, Isomorphic Communications p. 84-90
G. B-Values as Descriptions of Perception in Peak-Experiences p. 91-96
H. Naturalistic Reasons for Preferring Growth-Values over Regression-Values under Good Conditions p. 97-102
I. An Example of B-Analysis p. 103-116

Bibliography p. 117-123